Professional Services
STERLING provides a wide range of environmental consulting and professional engineering services to the public and private sectors.

Project Portfolio
We provide vast environmental services that enable our clients to take a comprehensive approach to addressing complex environmental issues.

Our Process & Philoshophy
STERLING's business philosophy is based on a commitment at all levels of the organization to provide quality consulting services and to create value for our clients.

Our Professional Team
STERLING’s experienced Environmental Engineers undertake Phase I and II environmental site assessments, stormwater pollution prevention plans, underground storage tank closures, spills response, construction inspections and environmental sampling/monitoring.
Project Highlights
Northeastern Biochar Solutions is proposing to construct and operate a facility that manufactures carbon fertilizer ("biochar") through drying and pyrolysis of biosolids. NBS is actively working to develop a facility in New York.
The Montgomery Project uses the proprietary "Taylor Energy Solution" as the foundational technology for a three-part, integrated system design that converts the organic biomass portion of mixed solid waste to electric power, through gasification.
Hughes Energy Group, LLC is is actively working to develop a facility in New York that delivers a world class organics recycling facility to upgrade waste management.