Sterling Professional Team

STERLING’s experienced Environmental Engineers undertake Phase I and II environmental site assessments, stormwater pollution prevention plans, underground storage tank closures, spills response, construction inspections and environmental sampling/monitoring.

STERLING’s staff perform site investigations, develop remedial programs and oversee construction activity routinely addressing contaminated soil, groundwater, and surface water. Staff are also experienced in performing soil-vapor intrusion and explosive gas surveys, litigation support, and managing the State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) process.

In addition, STERLING has in-house experience and capabilities in design and drafting with CAD Programs such as AutoCAD Civil 3D, HydroCAD, and arcGIS.


Mark P. Millspaugh

P.E., President
Mark is a licensed Professional Engineer in the States of New York, Vermont, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and President of STERLING, with over 40 years of experience in the fields of solid and hazardous waste management, remediation and redevelopment, environmental compliance and permitting, covering land, water and air resources. He is well versed with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA) and associated environmental impact studies. Mark has a Bachelor and Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Andrew M. Millspaugh

P.E., Vice President
Andrew is a licensed Professional Engineer in the States of New York, Wisconsin, and Minnesota, and Vice President of STERLING, with over 14 years of experience in the fields of environmental consulting, including site investigations, permitting and compliance, remediation design and specification, field engineering, construction oversight, field sampling methods, sediment management, in situ solidification/stabilization, and project quality assurance. Andrew has a Bachelor’s Degree in Environmental Engineer from the University of Delaware and a Master of Science Degree in Civil/Environmental Engineering from the University of Wisconsin – Madison.
Thomas M. Johnson

Thomas M. Johnson

P.G., Senior Hydrogeologist
Tom is a licensed Professional Geologist in the states of New York and Washington and is a former President of the Hudson Mohawk Professional Geologist’s Association. He has over 40 years of experience focused on geology, hydrogeology and environmental restoration serving industrial, commercial, mining, water supply, energy and property acquisition sector clients. His expertise includes client and regulatory liason, project planning and management, data collection and analysis, site characterization, regulatory negotiation, permitting, litigation support and expert testimony. Tom has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Geology from the SUNY Cortland and a Master of Science Degree in Geology, SUNY in Fredonia.

Beverly A. Commerford

Operations Manager
Beverly has been the Operations Manager for STERLING for over 25 years, and is experienced in the management of STERLING’s overall operations and project management. She is a key contributor to the overall quality of all STERLING’s project deliverables and oversees staff and project deadlines. Beverly is also a Licensed Notary Public.

Susan L. Momberger

P.E., Principal Engineer
Sue is a licensed Professional Engineer in the State of New York with over 30 years of experience in the fields of solid and hazardous waste management, including spill remediation; site investigations, permitting, and compliance; field engineering, construction oversight; operation, maintenance, monitoring, and remedial system optimization; solar installations on closed landfills, beneficial use determinations, local solid waste management planning; and environmental conservation policy, regulations, and guidance development. Sue has a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemical Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.
Jenn DiCerbo

Jennifer C. DiCerbo

Senior Environmental Engineer
Jenn is an Environmental Engineer with more than 25 years of experience in site investigation and remediation, environmental permitting, environmental impact assessment, monitoring, construction oversight, environmental litigation. Jenn has a Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering from Union College and a Master of Science Degree in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Tyler A. Sweet

Environmental Engineer, Project Manager
Tyler is an Environmental Engineer with over 15 years of experience in site development layout, grading, and utility design, geosynthetic design, stormwater design and planning, and construction project management. His primary responsibilities are project management and the preparation of detailed design drawings and specifications, preparing permit documents, providing construction oversight, and performing supporting field investigations. Tyler has a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University at Buffalo.

Paul W. Scholar

GIT, Geologist
Paul is a Geologist with over 5 years of experience in site characterization, remedial investigation, hydrogeologic investigation, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS). He has managed, geologic explorations, water supply pump tests, subsurface investigations, petroleum spill responses, and routine groundwater monitoring events. His responsibilities include project management, field sampling, drilling and construction oversight, data interpretation, GIS drawing production, and report preparation. Paul has a Bachelors Degree in Geology from Clarion University and a Masters Degree in Geological Sciences from Case Western Reserve University.

Amanda M. Castignetti

Environmental Engineer
Amanda is an Environmental Engineer with over 12 years of experience with environmental sampling, construction oversight, permitting and compliance, preparing environmental monitoring reports. Her primary responsibilities include permitting and compliance related to solid waste management facilities, construction and industrial stormwater, petroleum bulk storage and SPCC Plans, and SEQRA environmental impact assessments. Amanda has a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Engineering from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute.

Brian T. Chew

Environmental Engineer
Brian Chew is an Environmental Engineer with over 1 year of experience with field sampling, construction oversight, CAD drawing preparation, and technical report writing to support permitting and compliance for solid waste management facilities and commercial/industrial facilities. Brian has a Bachelors Degree in Environmental Engineering from Clarkson University.