Professional Services
STERLING is well qualified and experienced to provide numerous environmental services that enable our clients to take a comprehensive approach to addressing complex environmental issues.
Download the STERLING Statement of Qualifications
- Sub-Slab Vapor Sampling
- Soil Gas Vapor Sampling
- Emissions Monitoring
- State Facility Air Permits
- Title V Permits
- Summa Canister Sampling
- Air Emissions Assessments
- Landfill Gas Monitoring
- Vapor Intrusion Mitigation Design
Stormwater Management, Design and Inspections
Environmental Impact Analysis and SEQRA Compliance
- Baseline Environmental Studies
- Hydrogeologic Investigations
- Geotechnical Evaluations
- Wetland Delineation
- Threatened/Endangered Species
- Traffic Studies
- Archaeologic and Historic Resource Evaluation
- Wastewater and Water Resource Evaluation
- Noise Impact Analyses
- Visual Impact Analyses
Environmental Impact Statements (EISs)
- Site Characterizations
- Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS)
- Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS)
- Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS)
- Findings Statements
- Responsiveness Summaries
Wetland & Ecological Services flyer
Natural Resource Services and Permitting flyer
Phase I ESAs:
STERLING performs Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (ESA) following ASTM Standard E1527 to satisfy All Appropriate Inquiry (AAI) requirements, which is the industry standard for environmental due diligence typically required by lenders and regulatory agencies. Phase I ESAs are typically conducted to evaluate the potential for release of hazardous substances or petroleum products, and to identify “recognized environmental conditions.”
A Phase I ESA under this method consists of:
- Reviewing governmental records (tax maps, building permits, zoning approvals) and databases (environmental permits, spill reports, remedial actions)
- Reviewing available literature (prior reports, permit records), aerial photographs and available mapping (e.g., topographic and fire insurance maps)
- Interviews with government officials and other parties knowledgeable of the property and its history (current and past owners/occupants)
- Conducting site inspection (including building interior, exterior, and observations of adjacent properties)
- Preparing a comprehensive report.
STERLING performs Phase I ESAs for a wide variety of clients, such as parties conducting pre-acquisition due diligence on multiple properties, individuals and small companies interested in buying a property, attorneys assisting clients, small and large companies wanting to assess their own property before initiating the sales process, and developers needing to control risk prior to a major investment.
Phase II ESAs:
Phase II ESAs generally consist of a more extensive investigation into identified environmental conditions from the Phase I. The objective of a Phase II ESA is to evaluate the environmental condition to provide sufficient information regarding the nature and extent of contamination to allow informed business decisions.
A Phase II ESA may include:
- Environmental sampling (soil, groundwater, surface water, soil vapor)
- Geophysical surveys (radar, magnetometer)
- Test pits and/or trenches
STERLING has designed and completed Phase II investigations on many properties with a wide range of histories including:
- Spills of petroleum, hazardous chemicals or pesticides;
- Petroleum or chemical tanks;
- Fuel stations;
- Factories;
- Dry cleaners;
- Container storage areas;
- Floor drains;
- Landfills;
- Pesticide storage or application;
- Solid waste storage; and
- Waste collection floor sumps.
STERLING has been involved in negotiations between buyers and sellers regarding cleanups where environmental conditions have been identified.
Phase III ESAs:
Phase III efforts involve remediation or mitigation of sites impacted by petroleum or hazardous substances. STERLING has utilized its expertise to design and gain NYSDEC approval for remedial or mitigating work plans, to obtain competent contractors, to supervise the work effort and conduct and report upon the confirmatory sampling.
- Adjudicatory Hearings & Expert Testimony
- Litigation Support
- Expert Evaluations
- Expert Witness
Geographic Information Systems Services flyer
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is a powerful tool for environmental analysis, interpretation and visualization, and is an essential component of STERLING’s business. GIS supports a wide range of projects related to site characterization and data presentation. STERLING staff utilize the latest software technology, ESRI (ArcGIS), AutoCAD, and Trimble GPS to efficiently collect, interpret, and present site data. GIS services include:
- Resource Mapping
- Environmental Constraint and Build-Out Analyses
- Land Use Analysis
- Water, Stormwater, & Sewer Infrastructure Mapping
- Watershed & Hydrology Analyses
- Natural Resource Inventories, Analysis & Mapping
- Data Conversion & Geo-Database Design
- Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment
- Land Development Support
- Feasibility Studies
- NYSDEC/USACOE Permitting Support
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- Wetland Mapping
- GPS Data Collection and Mapping
Landfill Engineering Services
- Landfill Siting Investigations
- Permit Applications
- Hydrogeologic Investigations
- Grant Applications
- Preparation of Detailed Plans, Specifications and Contract Documentation
- Waste Characterization Studies
- Environmental Impact Analysis
- Liner and Cover System Design
- Industrial Waste
- Municipal Solid Waste
- Construction Inspection/Resident Engineering
- Geotechnical Engineering
- Leachate Collection and Treatment
- Operation and Maintenance (O&M) Plans
- Contingency Plans
- Environmental Monitoring Programs
- Post Closure Monitoring and Maintenance Manual (PCMMM) Preparation
- Post Closure Monitoring and Maintenance
- Gas Control and Monitoring
- Closure Plans
- Geomembrane QA/QC Testing
- Borrow Source Evaluations
- Construction Certification
- Third-Party Cost Estimates
Solid Waste Services
- Comprehensive Solid Waste Planning
- Solid Waste Facility Siting Studies
- Economic Feasibility Studies
- Waste Characterization Studies
- Recycling Programs
- Hydrogeologic Investigations
- Subsurface/Geotechnical Investigations
- Federal, State and Local Regulatory Permitting
- Environmental Impact Analysis
- Engineering Design
- Environmental Monitoring Programs
- Beneficial Use Petitions
- Closure Programs
- Third-Party Cost Estimates
- Detailed Plans, Specifications and Contract Documentation
- Construction Inspection/Resident Engineering
- Construction Certification
- Post Closure Monitoring and Maintenance Programs
- Grant Applications
- Mining Permits & Renewals
- Mining Permit Modifications
- Mined Land Use Plans
- Water Withdrawal Permitting
- Reclamation Plans
- Mining Hydrology Studies
- Environmental Studies and Impact Analyses
Natural Resource Services and Permitting flyer
STERLING provides permitting and compliance assistance to public and private sector clients on issues relating to wetlands, waterways, rare and endangered species. STERLING’s professional staff has experience with federal, state and local permitting throughout New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and Connecticut. STERLING’s natural resource service experience includes projects such as transportation, solid waste facilities, commercial and industrial development, utility infrastructure, residential development and state and federal enforcement cases.
- Wetland Identification, Delineation and Classification
- Stream and Wetland Assessment, Restoration and Mitigation
- Natural Resource Inventories
- Wildlife Inventories
- Threatened and Endangered Species Assessment
- Environmental Impact Statements (EIS)
- GIS/GPS Data Collection and GIS Mapping
- NEPA and SEQRA Compliance
- Public Presentations and Expert Testimony
- Grant Applications
- Floodway Delineation
- Streambank Stabilization
- Stormwater Inspections (by “Qualified Inspectors”)
- Regulatory Compliance
- Litigation Support and Expert Services
- NPDES Compliance
- Petroleum Bulk Storage Permits
- Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasure (SPCC) Plans
- Tank Inspection and Assessment
- Tank Removals and Closure Reports
- Spill Prevention Report
- Spill Assessment and Site Investigation
- Spill Remediation and Treatment
- Well Design and Installation
- Groundwater Monitoring and Sampling
- Third Party Cost Estimates
- Litigation Support
Our commitment to Renewable Energy...
Sterling’s commitment to Renewable Energy is evidenced by the 1,100 square foot rooftop photo-voltaic (PV solar) electric system installed in 2011. The system consists of three Sunny Boy 5000 US inverters employing 84 Schüco MPE 180 MS 05 modular panels. The system has an installed capacity of 15.12 kWs connected to the electric grid. The system provides for the following:
- The average monthly PV solar electric generation is 1,390 kWhrs.
- The building averages 3,316 kWhrs of monthly electric usage. The PV solar panels provide 42% of the average monthly electric power needs.
- In its first full year of service, the PV solar electric system generated 16,776 kWhrs of electricity, which for the NYISO Grid mix results in the avoidance of approximately 12,000 tons of CO2 based carbon emissions.
- To date, the PV solar system is running at approximately a 13% capacity factor. Photovoltaic power capacity is measured as max power output under standardized test conditions. The actual power output for any given PV solar system is typically below 25% and is dependent on geographic location, weather conditions and other conditions.
Residual Materials Management and Beneficial Use flyer
- Beneficial Use Petitions
- Residual Materials Management
- Material Tracking/Construction Supervision
- Alternate Grading Material
- Construction Certification
STERLING recognizes that waste materials often have potential as marketable commodities and can be utilized beneficially.
STERLING often develops solid waste management solutions that create significant value for clients by utilizing solid waste as a construction material or as a substitute for a raw material. STERLING has successfully identified beneficial construction applications for certain waste materials resulting in material becoming an asset rather than a liability requiring disposal at a permitted facility. STERLING has also developed landfill construction, operational and closure programs that utilize solid waste as cover materials, thus avoiding the need to purchase earth materials at prevailing market prices.
STERLING routinely utilizes the following materials in landfill closure or general construction projects:
- Construction Surplus Soil
- Stone
- Wood Chips
- Plaster
- Brick
- Pavement
- Coal Ash
- Class 1 Compost
- Crushed Glass
- C&D
- Masonry Products
- Rock Dust
- Concrete
- Clinker
- Clearing & Grubbing Materials
- Wood
- Roofing Materials
- Dewatered Sewage Sludge/Soil Mixture
- Foundry Sand
Many entities are taking advantage of incentives to redevelop lands contaminated by past operations in order to bring new uses and value to the site.
Such efforts involve determining the extent of contamination and current environmental risk; analyzing alternatives for future uses, determining the feasibility of selected options and environmental monitoring of redevelopment construction.
- Brownfield Applications
- Development Plans
- Site Characterizations
- Wetland Determinations/Delineations
- Environmental Site Assessments [Phase I - Phase II - Phase III]
- Detailed Site Investigations
- Environmental Impact Analysis
- Negotiation of Administrative Orders
- Permit Applications & Grant Applications
- Grant Applications
- Cost Estimating
- Risk Analysis and Evaluation
- Alternative Clean Up Criteria
- Public Outreach and Participation
Recycling Programs
- Operations & Maintenance (O&M) Manuals
- Contingency Plans
- Facility Design
- State and Local Permitting
- Solid Waste Control Plans
- Leachate Collection and Disposal
- Material Recycling Facilities (MRF)
- Closure Plans
- Closure Cost Estimates
- Stormwater Multi-Sector General Permit
Wetland & Ecological Services flyer
Stormwater Management, Design and Inspections flyer
- Stormwater Management
- Construction Stormwater Permitting
- Multi-Sector Industrial Stormwater Permitting
- Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs)
- Stormwater Inspections
- Erosion Control & Sediment Plans
- Runoff Modeling and Analysis
- Best Management Practice Designs
- Low Impact Development Design (Green Infrastructure)
- MS4 Stormwater Compliance
- Regulatory Compliance
- Facilities Planning and Needs Surveys
- Comprehensive Plans
- Sewer System Evaluation Studies
- Infiltration Inflow Studies
- State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SPDES) Permitting
- Facility Designs
- Construction Management
- Operation and Maintenance
- Industrial Pretreatment
- Injection Well Assessment and Closure for United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Underground Injection Control (UIC) Program